Aviation Security, Border Control & Facilitation
Event | Passenger Terminal EXPO 2018 |
Organiser | UKi Media & Events Ltd. |
Event Date | 20.03.2018 |
Press Release Date | 27.02.2018 |
Day 1 – Tuesday 20 March
09.40 The Frankfurt Airport security awareness campaign
Philipp Kriegbaum, Senior Security Expert, Fraport AG, Germany
The public areas of airports have become the preferred targets of terrorists. Airport employees can do much to keep airports secure by remaining vigilant and sharing their observations with security staff. Additionally, in case of an incident, they should know how to react. The challenge for an awareness campaign is to raise the level of attention of the people addressed without scaring them.
Audience will learn:
- Why a security awareness campaign?
- How to raise people’s attention without scaring them
- Which entities need to be involved
- How to address an audience of over 50,000 people
10.10 The importance of information sharing to defeat evolving threats
Randy Harrison, Vice President – Corporate Security, Delta Air Lines, USA
Information sharing must adapt to keep up with the increasing threat environment. Terrorist organisations have increased their use of advanced communications platforms to plan attacks, organise, fundraise, radicalise individuals, and disseminate bomb-making expertise, but the aviation industry has not made similar advances. There are various risks and drawbacks to information sharing, and the aviation industry must overcome those challenges and advance its own information sharing, beyond reliance on government classified information, to better mitigate and defend in today’s threat environment.
Audience will learn:
- Terrorists have increased their use of advanced communication platforms to facilitate attacks. Various examples will be provided and discussed
- The aviation industry has not made similar advances. Various examples will be provided and discussed.
- New platforms can foster the next level of information sharing. Various examples will be provided and discussed
- There are a number of information sharing risks that must be addressed. Various examples will be provided and discussed
15.00 Understanding the threat from insider activity in the aviation sector
David BaMaung, Honorary Professor, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
The aviation sector is a prime target for not only terrorist groups but also organised crime groups, low-level criminals and even disgruntled employees. Airports are complex environments that present many opportunities for insider threat activity. The presentation will explain what constitutes the ‘insider threat’, how this impacts the aviation sector and airports, how an insider threat risk assessment process can be developed, and how this threat can be managed and mitigated through proactive personnel security measures, insider threat exercising and holistic integrated security management.
Audience will learn:
- Understand what constitutes ‘insider threat’ and how this can be applied to the aviation sector and airports
- Recognise the security complexities of protecting an airport environment
- Understand how an effective insider threat risk assessment process can mitigate against the threat from insider infiltration or activity
- Acknowledgement of the importance of insider threat exercising to raise awareness among staff and develop capacity to counter this threat
- Understand the importance of locating an insider threat mitigation strategy within a wider holistic security management approach
Day 2 – Wednesday 21 March
09.05 Brussels Airport attack: my personal experience
Jean-Pierre Devos, First Commissioner, Federal Police Belgium, Belgium
22/03/2016 07:30hrs – I was already at our police station finalising the exercise with ElAl that was scheduled that afternoon. 07:58hrs – two big explosions in the space of one minute. Immediately I knew that this was the moment we were all afraid off: an attack at our national airport. The presentation covers my personal story of how I lived the day of the attack and the days afterwards: what I did and what I forgot, what kinds of tasks I had to deal with, and several take-away points.
Audience will learn:
- Stop the terrorists when they are in bed
- Cooperation with all partners is key for success
- Training for incidents is ok but expect the unexpected
10.55 New aviation security challenges for airlines
Ronald Augustin, Deputy Vice President Security Services, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Netherlands
The world is changing rapidly. Typical local conflicts are increasingly affecting international transport and macro economies. Aviation by its nature has to protect itself against threats stemming from these conflicts and has to deal with changing, high-impact regulations at the same time. Personal electronic devices, shoes, liquids, gels, overflight routes, reinforced cockpit doors, CCTV in cabins, are all elements aviation security has to deal with every day and are subject to review and adaptation regularly.
Audience will learn:
- Global oversight of conflicts
- How airlines adapt to changing situations
- Why airlines are always looking for alternative and creative solutions
16.45 Panel Discussion: A tale of two cities: airport responses to danger
Donald Zoufal, Lecturer/Consultant, University of Chicago /SDI Presence, USA
Mats Paulsson, Corporate Security and Safety Director, Swedavia, Sweden
Andrew Velasquez III, Managing Deputy Commissioner for Safety and Security, Chicago Department of Aviation, USA
Around the globe, airports are confronting challenges ranging from natural disasters to acts of terror. They are responding to acts on their grounds as well as disasters in their communities and regions. Alignment of personnel, processes and technology is essential for effective response. Case studies of Swedavia’s preparations to confront serious incidents, and O’Hare International Airport’s recent reception centre operations for persons displaced by hurricanes, offer insightful examples of how people, processes and technology can be adapted to address the range of threats that confront airports, offering a glimpse of how emerging domain awareness technology can facilitate future operations.
Audience will learn:
- The challenges confronting airports responding to threats within their boundaries as well as those affecting their communities and regions
- Approaches of airports in shaping personnel, processes and technology to respond to emergencies
- Differing demands posed by the range of emergency response scenarios airports must confront
- The promise of emerging technology for domain awareness can assist in improving the efficiency of response operations
Day 3 – Thursday 22 March
09.35 Smarter use of identity data, working together with the airlines
Richard Rinkens, Coordinator for Biometrics and Identity Management, European Commission, Belgium
The presentation will discuss the implications and benefits for airlines and airports linked to the implementation of the EES/ETIAS in combination with better interoperability.
Audience will learn:
- Impact of the EES
- Impact of the ETIAS
- Impact of interoperability
- Impacts on iAPI
11.25 AVSEC and wildlife poaching: exploration of issues and remedies
Kristina Dores, ICAO (OPAS) Chief, Aerodromes & Ground Aids, Namibia Civil Aviation Authority, Namibia
The systematic destruction of African wildlife affects AVSEC via illicit activities impacting aviation facilities, systems and equipment, personnel (aircraft, flight operations, aerodromes, air navigation services, etc.), law enforcement and regulatory oversight, financial institutions, economies, governments and our future. Issues include illegal transport across international borders, money laundering, smuggling, human and natural habitat destruction, corruption and a host of other crimes increasing exponentially. AVSEC practitioners represent a front-line opportunity to deter, detect and prevent these activities.
Audience will learn:
- Suggested methods to provoke conversations
- Suggested remedies in practice now that might generate further ways to prevent these crimes and the massacre of the world’s wildlife
12.25 Panel Discussion: How to secure and facilitate borders – a regulator’s perspective
Asha Menon, Senior Technical Officer, World Customs Organization, Belgium
Craig Clark, Branch Chief, Advance Data Programs and Cargo Initiatives, Office of Cargo and Conveyance Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection , USA (Invited)
Celine Canu, Head Aviation Facilitation, International Air Transport Association, Canada
Justin Jedlinski, Chief, Air Cargo Security, Transport Canada, Canada (Invited)
The panel will share the different initiatives and co-operative projects that are being carried out by regulators in cooperation with relevant stakeholders. Customs and aviation together with relevant stakeholders are working to identify and mitigate ‘bomb in the box’ from being loaded onto aircraft, and at the same time to ensure identification of high-risk passengers to prevent them boarding flights. In addition, regulators are working closely together to avoid duplication and close the gaps, not only to secure the borders but also to provide facilitation.
Audience will learn:
- What Customs is doing to secure borders
- Cooperation between WCO, ICAO and IATA to overcome aviation threat
- What the authorities are doing with API/PNR
- What authorities are doing with Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI)
- How Customs and aviation are providing joint training for aviation and Customs authorities
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