Air Transport Communication and IT solutions.
Company | SITA |
Date | 25.11.2010 |
Following a comprehensive survey of more than 100 stakeholders in the African aviation industry, SITA today confirmed the delivery of data to ICAO on the capacity and demand for aviation training in Africa.
The online database was developed at the request of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). It is part of the Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (Africa-Indian Ocean (AFI) Plan) which addresses the concerns expressed by the ICAO Council regarding the safety status of aircraft operations in the AFI Region. The database was prepared by SITA with the assistance of air traffic management consultancy, Helios.
The SITA/Helios team worked closely with the AFI Training Experts Working Group to design a survey to assess the aviation training needs and resources of the Continent and collected data to inform future roadmaps for training harmonization.
Rob Watkins, SITA Regional Vice President, Africa, speaking at the ICAO regional seminar in Mozambique, said: “This survey has been a significant undertaking. More than 100 detailed responses were gathered from training organisations, regulators, air navigation service providers, airlines and maintenance organisations across Africa.
“SITA’s in-country experts ensured that a wide cross section of stakeholders responded to the survey, guaranteeing that the information gathered will be put to good use to help improve aviation safety in Africa. SITA’s contribution demonstrates our commitment and dedication to the air transport community in Africa.”
From the surveys and face-to-face consultations, key themes on training availability and harmonization across Africa were identified and presented to the AFI Training Experts Working Group. These included discussion on syllabus development, regional coordination and information sharing.
Recommendations and an action plan for harmonizing aviation training in Africa were adopted at the Pan-African Aviation Training Coordination Conference held in Cairo, where over 30 African States were represented.