Airport Frangible Masts

Company Lattix Systems AS
Date 25.01.2011

Lattix Systems is proud to announce that Sverre Øien is the new CTO (Chief Technical Officer) at Lattix.  Sverre comes from a long line of engineering and production related jobs in Norway, Europe and Asia.

Lattix is a leading supplier of Frangible Support systems, delivering ICAO compliant masts for elevated approach lights, ILS (Glidepath and Localizers), AWOS systems, wind cone systems and RWY antenna systems. For more than 20 years, Lattix has delivered frangible systems to more than 200 airports.

With the new and modern production facilities, Lattix is able to deliver faster and even more reliable products to a demanding industry. With the new production in place, theNew Lattix is even stronger, safer and lighter – more value and more safety for your money!

See the Lattix website for more information:


Lattix Systems AS
Managing Director: Gunnar Bendigtsen
P.O. Box 130 N-1309 RUD
  • +47 6717 8570