Airport Interior Design, Complete metal ceiling systems and decorative wall cladding solutions
Company | Armstrong Metalldecken AG |
Date | 22.12.2010 |
Airport Barcelona – New Control Tower
Barcelona, Spain
The upper levels of the tower extend over five floors. At the top, on the flat roof of the control observation level is the antenna zone. The other floors are located below the control level with its octagonal shape offering 360° all-round visibility. At the foot of the tower there is a round building formed from two concentric rings. The inner ring is the access hall which is entered via the columned area of the outer ring. The outer ring is reached via glazed walk ways from a mezzanine floor. This second ring contains the rooms for the tower support facilities: offices, relaxing rooms for the night and team facilities.
The requirements set for the metal ceiling in the control tower were very high, e.g. acoustic insulation from 41 to 45 dB and large format fold-down tiles allowing better access to the plenary area. The folding-down of the tiles was facili tated by using our Hinge-Down system for large tiles. For the acoustic insulation “sandwich” tiles stuffed with mineral wool were used and fitted with a sheet metal spine.
Assembling the metal ceiling in a control tower differs from one in an office primarily in terms of its com plexity, its geometry (which compli cates the datum points for installation) and the limited accessibility. Thus, all the material for the false ceiling of the upper floor had to be transported through a small opening in the observation level. The complexity of the metal ceiling meant that the ceiling was separated into about 100 different segments. The large area and the weight of the tiles were a major challenge for the company carrying out the installation operation.

Breitfeldstrasse 8
9015 St. Gallen
- +41 (0) 71 313 63 63