Airport Wheels and Cargo Castors / Air Cargo Conveyor Casters / ULD Handling Systems
Company | Colson Europe B.V. |
Date | 28.06.2013 |
Colson Europe B.V. produces and sells wheels and castors.
With our world wide manufacturing and sales presence we can offer you the optimum wheel solution against the best price.
We offer a wide range of wheels and swivel forks for many applications.
One of our succesfull application is that of air cargo handling systems, especially ULD handling.
We offer our Colson cargo castor range of products for this.
Apart from this we can supply you with wheels and casters for load capacities from 0 up to 30,000 kgs. The right wheel for every business!
Colson Europe B.V. and Colson Transportwielen B.V. are member of the Colson associates the worlds largest wheel and castor manufacturer.

inter airport Europe, the world’s leading one stop shop exhibition for the airport industry, is renowned for offering stimulating new ideas and first-class expertise for the airport of the future.
With its comprehensive range of equipment, technology and services for ground handling, terminal operations, airport IT and airport design, the exhibition attracts a global audience of industry professionals from airports, airlines, air cargo carriers and aviation-support.
As growth returns to the aviation sector, the airport industry, once again, finds itself in a more positive business environment. Airport enhancements, expansions and new airport construction are high on the agenda of airport operators worldwide. When investing in new equipment and services, their priority is being placed on tailor-made solutions for increased capacity, operating efficiency, environmental sustainability, improved customer service and additional revenue.
For suppliers to the airport sectors – whether terminal, terminal-adjoining facilities, runway, apron or hangar – inter airport Europe is, therefore, the first choice when it comes to marketing their products to key buyers and decision-makers ready to invest.
We look forward to welcoming you to the world’s leading event for the entire airport industry!
Generatorstraat 11
3903 LH Veenendaal
NL-3900 AK Veenendaal
P.O. Box 4
- +31-318-536666