ARINC - Airport Systems Integration Services
Company | ARINC |
Date | 08.02.2011 |
ARINC Incorporated have announced it has successfully installed a remotely hosted common-use departure system for multiple airlines in just 89 days at the new departure lounge of London International Airport, London, Ontario, Canada.
The deployment—from contract on October 14 to cutover on January 12—was ARINC’s fastest ever for a multi-airline implementation of its vMUSE EnterpriseTM technology. vMUSE Enterprise provides full common-use functionality without the usual need for on-site server hardware and core rooms, and their recurring maintenance.
The ARINC technology replaces dedicated departure gates previously used by Air Canada, WestJet, and United Airlines. It may be expanded incrementally to accommodate any number of positions and carriers. An airport spokesman said ARINC was chosen over other competitors based on its technology solution, as well as airline recommendations, favorable pricing, and the quickness with which it could be deployed.
“We had an aggressive schedule for our new departure lounge, and ARINC did a great job accommodating us,” said Gerry Vanderhoek, Manager of Commercial Services, London International Airport. “Because of its ease and simplicity, we see vMUSE Enterprise as a great service enhancement to our current airline customers and a significant tool for attracting new airline business to our airport.”
“Achieving a full common-use deployment this quickly is a breakthrough for the industry,” said Mike Picco, ARINC Vice President, Airport Solutions. “It was only possible through the efficiency of the vMUSE hosted design. With its reduced hardware, small footprint, and reduced installation requirements, vMUSE Enterprise brings common-use capability to a whole new level of affordability, while the speed of installation only grows steadily faster.”
Initially used to handle seasonal traffic peaks and off-airport check-ins, ARINC vMUSE Enterprise was designed to deliver the full capability expected from a conventional networked common-use check-in and departure system. Airlines and airports of any size can add check-in and departure services efficiently whenever required with vMUSE Enterprise. Only a PC, laptop, or thin-client device is needed, along with industry standard peripherals and an Internet connection.
“The rapid installation at London International dramatically demonstrates the efficiency of ARINC’s remotely-hosted technology,” continued Picco. “In addition, since two of the airlines at London International were already participating at other ARINC common-use installations, connecting them at the London Ontario airport required very little work, other than simply allowing access to them.”
ARINC installed vMUSE Enterprise on ten workstations in the London International Airport departure lounge. These will accommodate current requirements of United, Air Canada, and WestJet, with capacity for another airline later.
ARINC Incorporated, a portfolio company of The Carlyle Group, provides communications, engineering and integration solutions for commercial, defense and government customers worldwide. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland with regional headquarters in London and Singapore, ARINC is ISO 9001:2000 certified.
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