Company | SITTI |
Date | 28.07.2020 |
SITTI is proud to announce that on July 24th, 2020, it received the CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL for its MULTIFONO® M800IP® voice communication system from CAAC, the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The certificate states that the system “complies with the civil aviation CNS equipment certification rules (CCAR-87) and relevant provisions”.
This very important achievement has been reached with the help of the Beijing XiDi Communication Technology Ltd company that provided all required support and local knowledge. The certificate has been obtained after submitting the M800IP® VCS system to a large set of tests and after providing extensive proof of compliance to international rules and standards, including (but not limited to) ED137. This latter is the standard issued by EUROCAE for the definition of the way VoIP (Voice over IP) shall be used in the ATM field.
Mr. Giuseppe Vasquez is the SITTI Program Manager who followed all procedures and steps that led to the issue of the certificate. “This important result once more underlines the high competence of our company, capable of submitting to CAAC a product that fully passed all technical and compliance steps. CAAC requirements are comprehensibly very strict and demanding, because of the high responsibility they have to ensure voice service continuity for a safer sky over China”.
“MULTIFONO® M800IP® demonstrated its built-in flexibility and adaptability, being able to pass without problems all the stringent rules imposed by CAAC to get the certificate of approval”, Mr.Claudio Tognoni – SITTI Commercial Officer for China – said.