CAST Airport Simulation, Capacity Assessment, Demand Forecasting, Master Planning & Design
Company | Airport Research Center GmbH |
Date | 30.09.2013 |
After the sucessful CAST User Group Meetings 2011 in Dubai and 2012 in Frankfurt, STAC will host this year's CAST User Goup Meeting in Paris, France in 7th-8th November 2013.
For Airport Reserach Center and it’s customers worldwide, a close cooperation is one of the most important key factors to ensure the best possible outcome. Consequently, the user meeting is a great opportunity to share users’ experience and projects, inform all users about the latest CAST developments, introduce new features and modules, and of course discuss the roadmap of the future CAST development.
The Service technique de l'Aviation civile (STAC) belongs to the French civil aviation authority and provides its technical expertise and support for airport and aeronautical matters on the whole national territory. The STAC is involved in the fields of airport infrastructure and equipment, air navigation, environment, air transport safety, and transport security.
The STAC and Airport Research Center have been cooperating for several years in various project. The STAC is an active CAST Terminal and CAST Aircraft user. Together with Eurocontrol the STAC is applying CAST Aircraft for the developments of the European airtraffic and airport system.
Further information on the agenda will be provided as soon as possible.
Bismarckstr. 61
- 49 241 16843-0