Flight Data Processing Software
Date | 04.02.2011 |
Flight ATM Systems specialises in Flight Data Processing software and related consultancy services.
Our products include an AFTN Terminal application that processes ICAO ATS messages in both ICAO and ADEXP formats. The AFTN Terminal application is implemented with a modern intuitive GUI using Java to ensure no hardware and OS limitations exist; the application can be run on any platform supporting a JRE 1.6 or higher.
We also provide software components related to FDP SW dealing with ATS message processing, route extraction and 4D trajectory derivation. The software solutions can be provided as standalone libraries to save your company time and money when developing applications requiring ICAO and ADEXP ATS message processing capabilities. The EUROCONTROL ETFMS messages are also supported.
The message processing software includes:
- An ADEXP parser that can be configured using a small set of XML files for any message title and content.
- An ATS message parser;
- An ICAO field 15 parser that includes syntactic and semantic checking of the field including preliminary route extraction
Any errors detected are reported with a location in the source message so that the faulty text can be highlighted in a GUI if required.
Please visit us at stand nr. H115 for further discussions.
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