Integrated Remote Control and Monitoring for Airport CNS and ATM Systems

Company Lee-Dickens Ltd
Date 28.02.2011

Lee-Dickens’ Airport Services Availability Management System (ASAMS) is a relational database driven airport management package, which uses “event and incident” data from Sitewatch. 

ASAMS builds a database allowing the airport operators to access reports on a wide and detailed picture of the airport covering incidents, failures and frequency of failure, system recovery, fault acknowledgement and attendance and many other parameters.  These reports enable compliance with service level agreement to be assessed as well as showing the effect of the failures on the ability to provide an effective service.

Additionally this information can be used to maximise the efficiency of the deployment of support staff, the running of shift services for 24-hour coverage and to monitor the actual Incident Response times as well as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) figures of the equipment providing the services.



Lee-Dickens Ltd
Tony Meadows
Rushton Rd
NN14 2QW
  • +44 1536 760 156