Intelligent Artificial Voice Systems
Company | AviaVox BV |
Date | 02.12.2010 |
Cardiff Airport has set up a new partnership with Netherlands-based company AviaVox which will change the way tannoy announcements will be heard in the terminal from the end of December 2010.
The AviaVox system will provide intelligent artificial voice announcements to passengers awaiting information and flight calls in the terminal building, and many of the announcements will be delivered in Welsh, as well as in English.
Cardiff is the second TBI abertis owned airport and the fifth UK customer to sign up for the AviaVox automated announcement system for all of its flight related announcements.
The introduction of this system will allow Customer Services Agents, who currently make all announcements in the terminal, to focus on the customer experience at the airport. Ad hoc calls will continue to be made by the agents as the operation demands.
Margaret James, Cardiff Airport’s contracts and quality manager said of the new partnership: “We’re looking forward to working with AviaVox and to have the new automated tannoy system in the terminal. The new technology will improve the quality of the announcements, and enhance the service we offer to our passengers.
With the new system in place the airport’s Customer Services Agents will have more time to continue with day to day duties such as assisting passengers with any queries and ensuring quality and customer services standards are kept high in all areas of the terminal.”
The majority of the work will be completed by the end of December 2010, and the final stage of installation to automate all boarding announcements at the nine departure gates is set to be completed by the end of January 2011.