Jotron AS: Ground to Air Communication Radios

Company Jotron AS
Date 03.02.2011

Jotron Group is also among the most known manufacturers of ground to air communication products for the aviation industry. Flexible, practical, modular and with MTBF more than 20years. Now with a quality modular VHF/AM multimode DSP radio for easy interface to SNMP protocol, cost-saving built-in inband signalling.

With more than 35 years of experience in design and manufacture of electronic equipment, JOTRON Group is proud to have established, through its consistent presence and reliable performance, trusted relationships with customers worldwide.

JOTRON Group supplies radios for all airport projects as well as for maritime applications. A complete range of radio communication equipment from complex integrated systems to standalone transceivers. Compliant to ICAO, ETSI and Eurocontrol – standards.

  • VHF & UHF radios with remote control units
  • Remote Access & Control System for monitoring & control
  • Power Amplifiers
  • Supply of:Antennas/filters/battery-backups/cabinets etc.
  • FAT/SAT/Training/Installation/Project-Management

JOTRON Group is a well-established electronics company founded in 1967, situated in Larvik Norway. JOTRON Group is in addition to ground to air radios also developing and manufacturing electronic safety equipment for the maritime market, with PHONTECH a.s. manufacturing internal communication systems, JOTRON Group completes its broad supply of products.

Please visit us at stand nr. H712 for further discussions.


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Jotron AS
Ringdalskogen 8
3270 Larvik
  • +47 33 13 97 00