Regula introduced magnifiers and compact devices with 15x magnification
Company | Regula |
Date | 29.04.2019 |
Regula introduced new modifications of the compact devices Regula 1019-15 and 1025-15, as well as magnifiers Regula 1001М-15, 1002М-15, 1003М-15, 1004М-15 with 15x magnification. In comparison to the already existing models, the devices with 15x allow carrying out even more detailed examination of documents, banknotes, securities and other objects with security features. The field of view of the new modifications is 12 mm.
The compact devices Regula 1019-15 и 1025-15 are intended for document examination under different light sources (oblique white, coaxial white, UV 254, 313, 365, high-intensity IR 980 nm, etc.) They also allow authenticating various security features, comparing sizes of objects, as well as detecting mechanical and chemical alterations in the document structure.
The magnifiers Regula 1001М-15, 1002М-15, 1003М-15 and 1004М-15 are designed for express authenticity verification of small-sized objects, coins, stamps, fragments of photographs, seals, signatures and handwriting.
The following devices may be used as separate authenticity verification tools or can be supplied with other Regula devices extending their functionality.