Regula provided training for a forensic expert from India

Company Regula
Date 03.11.2017

A forensic document expert from the Forensic sciences department, Government of Tamil Nadu, India undertook a seven-day training course on operation of Regula devices and solutions. Specialized classes were held in Regula’s office in Minsk, Belarus.

During the course, the trainee acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills on detection of forged security documents using the video comparator Regula 4307 and the magneto-optical visualizer Regula 4197, as well as using the software Regula Forensic Studio and the IRS Secure Documents Ultimate. At the end of the course, the trainee received a certificate on completion of the training.

Regula has been delivering the video-spectral comparators Regula 4307 and information reference systems to India since 2017. Expert solutions for advanced document examination are used to effectively combat illegal migration, forged documents and acts of fraud in Asia.


Regula Baltija Ltd.
A.Pumpura 97
  • +371 65 43 12 99