The Language of the TRAVELLER
Company | Sani Pass™ |
Date | 22.07.2020 |

The Language of the Traveler. So how important will the REVIEWS coming from the Traveler be to the Reputation of the Travel Industry? It will become the most important aspect to the tourismand business travel trade. Without positive feedback from these users to restore the confidence of the traveler, the once fastest growing transport industry will be permanently left with huge cuts in revenue.
No traveler will want to run the risk of booking a trip without first checking on the destination on how their safety and well being can and will be protected while they pass through airports, use ground transportation and staying at hotels. The need to be proactive and install a Traveler Hygiene Process in every key area where travelers will pass through checkpoints of disinfection will be crucial to travel. The traveler will become the industry`s biggest asset as they will see this as positive reassurances, will be quick to comment and send those positive reviews back to the industry. Once these reviews hit the social media … the process of restoring confidence will begin!
Let your Customers see What They Want to HEAR!
“We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a mirror that only shows us what we believe.” Don Miguel Ruiz
Disinfection and Sanitation in tourismand business travel: Diseases and infections have always been a major concern to every industry and the tourism and travel industry is one of the most vulnerable as it provides the key source of revenue for thousands of people to these vacation hot spots. Every day customers arrive, many from other countries where known health concerns exist. Their luggage as well as devices, clothing and handbags are all packed into the overhead bins and air cargo of planes, transferred to waiting shuttle services and taxies and then taken to hotels and finally into the rooms where the traveler will be staying without any thought of what they may be carrying in terms on harmful infectious pathogens which could become the next breeding ground for another pandemic like COVID-19.
Fortunately, microbial contamination can be prevented and controlled by initiating and deploying proper management practices and programs each designed to enhance brand image while offering the guests to tourist destinations effective distinction between one ilocationand the next. SANITAGGEDTM as offered by Sani Pass and Environize is a one-stop solution for disinfection of passengers, carry-ons, luggage, palletized freight, luggage carts etc.