The cooperative research project intensifies a previous collaboration between the industry partner Frequentis and the university partner Department of Business Informatics – Data & Knowledge Engineering, Johannes Kepler University of Linz and involves Eurocontrol and Austro Control as subcontractor to address the challenges of NOTAM filtering. Eurocontrol’s Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme and FAA’s Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) are transforming the global Aero nautical Information Services (AIS) as we know them today to Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) road mapped by ICAO. Textual NOTAMs (Notices to airmen) will be replaced by Digital NOTAMs in Aeronautical Information Management in the future. The Project will exploit and extend semantic technologies for fine-grained, intelligent filtering and querying of Digital NOTAMs, using a wide range of criteria based on event types, types of aircraft or flight, as well as location in space and progress in time. The aim of the proposed research is to fully utilise the potential benefits of having NOTAMs available and distributed digitally in the envisioned System Wide Information Management (SWIM) approach by providing complementary support for intelligent filtering and querying of Digital NOTAMs, using a wide range of criteria based on event types of NOTAMs, types of aircraft or flight, as well as location in space and progress in time. This will make it possible to give airmen the intelligent support for NOTAM management they demand. Our envisioned SemanticNOTAM approach will exploit and extend semantic technologies for fine-grained event-type, location-, time-, and aircraft-aware filtering and querying of Digital NOTAMs.
Read more about our current research and development activities in the Frequentis Research Bulletin.