Conveyor belts for baggage handling

When it comes to equipping airports with baggage handling conveyor belts, there are good reasons why Forbo Siegling is the market leader.

Forbo Movement Systems is the preferred partner for equipping airports with conveyor belts. Using our belts, airports can improve their operational efficiency significantly. The high-quality of our belts and our comprehensive service offer guarantees for minimum downtimes and therefore, smooth and fast baggage handling, happy passengers and a good reputation.

We also support airports in meeting their sustainability goals. With the Amp Miser belts, savings in energy consumption of up to 50% are possible, which contributes considerably to the airports’ carbon reduction efforts.

We have successfully equipped many airports with Amp Miser and the number of our satisfied airport customers and OEM partners keeps growing. They value our belts’ excellence in terms of precision, speed and durability, and our innovative strength, too.


Amp Miser – Verified energy saving conveyor belts

Amp Miser is Forbo Movement Systems’ conveyor belt that verifiably generates energy savings of up to 50%. This makes Amp Miser the best energy-saving belt in the industry. Airports around the world are already harnessing …

Siegling Prolink – Robust Plastic Modular Belts

The Siegling Prolink plastic modular belts are robust and durable. They enable efficient conveying and processing, which is often not possible with conventional belting material. Diverse materials, shapes, pitches, patterns, and open areas provide all …

Siegling Transilon and Siegling Transtex Conveyor Belts

Siegling Transilon and Siegling Transtex are the universal, fabric-based, multilayer belt from Forbo Movement Systems. These multi-layer, fabric-based conveyor belts are destined for diverse conveyor and processing tasks. In all areas of the baggage handling, …

Belts for Check-In

Baggage is conveyed to aircraft from check-in facilities. It’s weighed and tagged or coded there. Coding allows the baggage handling system to identify the baggage’s location and ensures that it’s sent to the right aircraft. Technical …

Accumulation Belts

Accumulation belts take all items of baggage from check-ins and feed suitcases to the actual baggage handling system. Technical Requirements of the belts The belts have a smooth and hard surface and are very laterally stiff. As …

Conveyor belts for X-Ray Machines

Security has top priority at airports. Which is why all items of baggage are checked by x-ray equipment to ensure they contain nothing that could jeopardize flight safety. For some years now, this has applied …

Accelerated and Inclined Conveying

During acceleration and inclined conveying, it’s imperative that items of baggage remain in place. If exact tracking of their position at any time proves impossible, huge disruptions to the process will occur. Technical Requirements of the …

Horizontal conveyor belts

Items of baggage are often conveyed horizontally over long distances, from the check-in to the sorter and from there onto the aircraft. To cover these distances, a high proportion of the total energy consumption is …

Drag Band Conveyors / Twin Belts

Items of baggage are conveyed in trays, particularly in high-speed sections. These keep the baggage safe, decrease damage and enable much better tracking in the baggage handling system. The trays are positioned on the outside …

Curved conveyor belts

Curved conveyors change the direction in which items are moved on the conveyor itself. Standard curve angles are 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 135° and 180°, but any angles in between are possible, depending on the …

Belts for Merging and Diverting

The sorter is the nucleus of the baggage handling system. All items of baggage checked in are merged in here and (depending on their destination) also diverted again at defined points. Merging often occurs at …

Belts for Loading and Unloading Aircraft

Aircraft are usually loaded and unloaded by outdoor inclined conveyors. The belts move all sorts of baggage and are constantly exposed to typical local weather conditions, which can fluctuate hugely. Technical Requirements of the belts The impact …

Company News

Whitepaper: Save energy operating baggage handling systems

Airports aim to reduce their CO2 emissions. Baggage handling systems can make a significant contribution to lowering energy consumption and thus reducing the CO2 footprint of airports. Both laboratory tests and field measurements have shown …


Forbo Siegling GmbH
Lilienthalstrasse 6/8
  • +49 511 670 40
