New North Lantau Marine Park Creates Synergy for Conservation of Marine Ecology

Company Hong Kong International Airport
Date 04.11.2024

Main Environmental Mitigation Measure Committed for Three-runway System Development

The largest marine park in Hong Kong, connected with Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), has been established. Establishment of the North Lantau Marine Park (NLMP), covering about 2,400 hectares of waters, is one of the main mitigation measures committed in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Environmental Permit for the expansion of HKIA into a Three-runway System (3RS).

The NLMP forms a major part of a large matrix of interconnected marine protected areas including the Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, and the Brothers Marine Park in the North Lantau waters. The NLMP also connects with HKIA’s restricted marine approach areas. The three marine parks together cover around 4,570 hectares of North Lantau waters, providing positive and synergistic conservation effects for the Chinese White Dolphins (CWDs) and fisheries resources.

The NLMP is also contiguous with the Pearl River Estuary Chinese White Dolphin National Nature Reserve. Linking the marine protected areas in western Hong Kong with the large Mainland reserve will further enhance the conservation potential among these important CWD habitats, helping to promote the use of waters around HKIA and North Lantau by CWDs and benefiting other important marine life and fisheries resources.

To prepare for the establishment of the NLMP, Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) developed a Marine Park Proposal back in 2016 and subsequently conducted a detailed Marine Park Study, including consultations with relevant stakeholders and advisory committees, before the marine park boundary and management plan was finalised. AAHK also provided key support to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department during the statutory designation process of the NLMP under the Marine Parks Ordinance.

Peter Lee, General Manager, Sustainability of AAHK, said, “Along with HKIA’s expansion into a Three-runway System, we are committed to achieving a balance between economic development and environmental conservation. An array of initiatives continue to be implemented under AAHK’s Marine Ecology and Fisheries Enhancement Strategy, including voluntary enhancement measures such as the deployment of artificial reefs and shellfish reefs, and periodic re-stocking of nearby waters with fish fingerlings. We are hopeful that the designation of the NLMP will have a long term and positive impact on the local marine environment and fisheries.”


Airport Authority Hong Kong
HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road
Hong Kong International Airport
Hong Kong
  • +852 2181 8888