Agnet Turnaround


The aeronautics industry is facing one of its biggest challenges since its existence: Meeting growing air traffic demand while significantly reducing its environmental footprint. Social obligations, regulatory requirements and environmental reality leave us no choice but to succeed.

The disruptions of ground operations have a significant impact on the passenger’s loyalty, the air traffic flow management, the environment and cost around $100* per minute of delay borne by airlines.

Solutions are in progress or under study, but the urgency requires us to work on pragmatic solutions to quickly improve the efficiency of operations. This is what Airbus is promoting: A smart and secured turnaround centric platform for operational stakeholders.

As every second counts we can save your time and improve your revenue yield. How you ask?

  • Through instant contact with the right person
  • Sharing crucial relevant information
  • Real-time operation monitoring
  • Improving all stakeholders on-time performance

The reduction of operational inefficiencies, a source of unnecessary energy consumption, excessive noise and traffic congestion, as well as the development of automation are priority actions and projects for all players in this industry.

Agnet Turnaround distinguishes itself by offering direct communication capabilities (group calls, messaging, video calls), automatic group creation and team assignments, and facilitating collaboration among various stakeholders, thereby managing the complexity and interdependencies of ground operations.

The specificity of our proposal is the combination of internal Airbus assets and expertise as such secured communication capabilities, aviation industry knowledge, and high quality of flights data in order to provide scheduled and real-time info.

Airbus provides an operational solution for immediate challenges, catering to the unique needs of operational users who face specific constraints like weather conditions, noisy environment or the need to work hands-free.

Agnet Turnaround enables stakeholders to exchange status updates and information, fostering effective and productive cooperation. Agnet Turnaround is unique for its:

  • Direct Communication capabilities, including group call, direct call, messaging and video communication
  • Turnaround centricity with automatic group creation
  • Real-time updates
  • Automated assignment of people and teams
  • Sharing features for collaboration

Airbus is making your Turnaround better.

Agnet Turnaround, get into the new dimension of communication