SOLASAFE® Anti-glare roller screen
Company | Solar Solve |

The SOLASAFE® product remains one of our most popular products. It has been fitted in Air Traffic Control towers worldwide where glare and heat need to be controlled and clear visibility is critical for operational safety.
Air traffic controllers use them, as they instruct pilots to manoeuvre passenger jets around some of the busiest airports in the world. Wherever safety depends on uninterrupted visibility, unaffected by the sudden, blinding threat of glare, SOLASAFE® does the job. It also reduces excessive heat and reduces long-term damage caused by UV light. It is specified by many national airport authorities who insist on it, by name.
One of the key benefits is that as the screen is retracted any dirt or dust is removed by the ‘wipe clean’ brush system, inside the aluminium cassette. All screens come complete with aluminium bottom rail and optional side channels or guide cables and include a 7-Year Guarantee. Wherever light, glare and heat need to be controlled, and where the permanent application of adhesive window film is either unsightly or unsuitable SOLASAFE® is the answer.
- Improved visibility and safety with up to a 93% reduction in glare. Objects can be identified more clearly with true colour rendition.
- A cooler working environment. Up to 87% of the sun’s heat is rejected so the traditional ‘hot-house’ effect of working behind glass is significantly reduced. Controllers remain more comfortable and alert.
- Reduction in AC requirements. As incoming glare and heat are reduced, the temperature is lowered and therefore the need for air conditioning. Owners benefit from lower AC fuel costs.
- Reduced eye strain. With glare greatly reduced, electronic screens, dashboards and control panels are easier to read.
- Protect exposed areas of the body. At least 98% of harmful UV light is filtered; skin is protected.
- All SOLASAFE® anti-glare screens are custom made to order to your exact dimensions and specifications and normally dispatched within 3 to 5 days, (same day service available).
- Simple to use, quick to install in one complete unit.