Tradeshift Pay eInvoicing


Tradeshift Pay is the only industry platform and solutions for complete and connected AP Automation and supply chain payments. Process invoices faster and reduce the manual work to make timely payments to your sellers.

Leverage sellers in the industry who are already on the Tradeshift network to quickly enable electronic invoicing and payments. Reduce seller support and AP work, and create the foundation for 100% digital transactions. Ensure that invoices are tax and eInvoicing compliant in every country you do business.

Accelerate the value of your digital network through early payment. Create a network that drives value for both buyers and sellers – all your sellers. Give sellers the cash they need when they need it, and, at the same time, improve your working capital and seller relationships.

Automate invoice processing for more straight-through processing. And where manual is needed, have the fewest touches.

  • Digitize and improve efficiency in cross-company processes
  • Optimize working capital and realize value tied in the supply chain
  • Enhance visibility and control across the supply chain organization
  • Activate category-, company-, and region-specific digital processes through 3rd party and your own apps.

Click here to view the Tradeshift Pay datasheet

Electronic Invoicing
Receive invoices, approve and pay. Automated processes enable timely payments and gives your company more time to consider opportunities to increase working capital.

Early Payments
Data-driven Network Finance, Supply Chain Finance, Dynamic Discounting and Electronic Payments make sure sellers get paid across the globe on time and take advantage of competitive opportunities for cash when needed.

Legal Country eInvoicing and Tax Compliance
Enable digital globally, while removing local complexities. Country legal compliance across the globe, including China and India, that stays compliant as regulations change.

Document Firewall
AP automation with multi-way matching and validation ensures invoices received comply with your business rules and processes no matter how unique.

Collaborate with your colleagues and suppliers in real time and in context on a network. Real-time chat for sharing tasks, documents, and status leads to faster invoice processing.

Business Your Way
Enable processes that are as unique and differentiating as your business. Connect your own or 3rd party apps to enable company-, industry-, category-, and region-specific processes – customize approvals, automate coding, validate and enrich data, fast-track invoices, or engage the experts.