4 Aviation Trends to Watch in 2023

Company A-ICE
Date 06.02.2023

As we welcome in another year, it’s time to take a look at some of the top trends to follow in 2023. With global airport expansion plans taking flight this year, infrastructure investments look set to increase capacity and improve operations – this is what future proofing looks like.

2022 saw increasing demand begin to add pressure, and pre-pandemic challenges surfacing once more. As future proofing again becomes a priority, we look at four key trends and how they are expected to shape the industry in 2023.

  1. Rising demand as passenger confidence increases

As passenger confidence began to increase last year with more widespread lowering of restrictions, more people once again took to the air. Airports reported growing figures from the second quarter and as we start 2023, expectations are high that they may have begun to catch up with 2019 levels.

While this trend is expected to continue across the globe, the effects of increasing numbers brings back the historic challenges. This means that airports and carriers are facing immediate pressure to enhance operational performance and improve services. Across the aviation industry, there will be a collectively-held breath as 2023 gets underway in earnest.

  1. A renewed focus on passenger experience

Passenger experience has always been a high priority, and it is predicted that 2023 will see further enhancements in this area. Complaints, particularly across the US, hit record highs in 2022 and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.

With investments in infrastructure and technology on the table for many global airports this year, this will be an interesting trend to follow.

  1. Ticketing and other rising costs

Operational costs are rising for airports of all sizes around the world, which has a knock on effect across the industry. From fuel prices and associated energy costs soaring to airport fees and fixed, long contracts, operators are going to need much greater flexibility to absorb these costs.

The answer for many will be to streamline operations and better manage resources. It is expected that investments in smarter technologies and solutions will grow as a result, and this is a trend that will be watched closely in 2023.

  1. The rise of the smart airport

Smart airport solutions are fast-becoming the industry’s answer to enhancing and streamlining operations and maximising productivity. This is because they have the power to automate compliance and many of the core airport operational processes. Simultaneously, smart solutions have the ability to analyze key data, predict and find the answer to challenges before they arise across the airport environment.

When it comes to resource management, the smart airport delivers the flexibility that is needed in an industry that is struggling, as many others, with recruitment. By being able to automate processes in key areas, such as passenger and baggage handling, security and reconciliation, resource management gains vital scalability – a core requirement for 2023.

Another benefit of implementing smart solutions lies in infrastructure. Operating in the cloud, these types of operational platforms remove the need for dedicated IT and reduce the physical space required dramatically. Add to this the energy savings, better use of the valuable terminal space and the pay-per-use economic model and this trend stands out as one to watch this year.

A-ICE looks ahead to another exciting year

A-ICE enjoyed a momentous year in 2022. With new doors opening around the world, highly successful exhibitions and demonstrations of our ground-breaking cloud airport suite and a celebratory milestone anniversary, we had an exciting time all year. We look forward to further growth and highlighting Airport-in-Cloud at more of the world’s best aviation shows in 2023. We hope to see you there.


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