400 Hz Ground Power Cables and 5kV Airfield Lighting Cables

Company LEONI Studer AG
Date 14.10.2013

The response to our offering and presentations was really overwhelming and we were busy all the time answering our visitors’ questions and demonstrating performance and quality of our special ground power cables and airfield lighting cables.

We have taken notes about requirements and special questions, but we may have missed something in your case because of the next visitor demanding our concentrated attention.

Please, if you have a request, which needs to be handled urgently, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Below you find a list of subjects, which you may use to list your interests by listing the numbers.

  1. 400Hz BETAjet ground power cables for mobile GPUs or manual handling
  2. 28VDC BETAjet ground power cables for mobile GPUs or manual handling
  3. 400Hz BETAjet ground power cables for retriever or ground pit application
  4. Harnessed BETAjet Set with cable, connector and accessories ready to use
  5. 400Hz BETAjet ground power cables for fixed/stationary installation
  6. AFL BETAlux airfield lighting cable
  7. need samples
  8. other issues: please specify

Hopefully we will be able to contribute to your business success with our products and services.

Robert Thielmann

Tel: +41 (0)62 288 83 73
Fax: +41 (0)62 288 83 83
E-Mail: Robert.Thielmann@leoni-studer.ch


Business Unit Traffic
Herrenmattstrasse 20
CH-4658 Daniken
  • +41 62 288 82 82