ACC3 Validation /Aviation Web Based Training

Following Matthias Haxter, Manager of STI´s Training Department, two additional senior members of the STI team, Managing Director Ulrich Duennes and Robert Salzwedel, head of STI Oceania, Melbourne, Australia, successfully participated in the IATA EU Aviation Security Validators (EU ACC3) course held Frankfurt in September.

After certification of the three top managers as ACC3 EU Aviation Security Validators by the German Luftfahrt-Bundesamt, STI can call upon a team with more 40 years of experience in the Aviation Security industry.

The EU estimates that about 700 ACC3 stations will require independent EU validation until July 2014. Another 2.700 ACC3 stations, and 2.000 ACC3 Regulated Agents (RA3) and ACC3 Known Consignors (KC3), are expected to follow before July 2019.

Failing to receive this validation has the consequence that the affected airlines will forfeit their ACC3 status resulting in their prohibition to fly air cargo into or through the EU.

"We are very proud to have such a strong team of ACC3 EU Aviation Security Validators in our midst, and for us to now be in a position where we can truly offer our customers a holistic service by either conducting ACC3 consulting & training measures or ACC3 EU Aviation Security validations", stated STI Managing Director Mr. Ulrich Duennes.


STI Security Training International GmbH
Steinmuehlenweg 5
65439 Floersheim
  • 0049 6145 59991-23