Achieving true brand consistency with Rezcomm

Company Rezcomm
Date 22.09.2016

When working with third-party services to drive revenues for your airport brand consistency is something that often gets overlooked. E-commerce portals, booking platforms, social media and all the other online services that an airport might use are integral to the customer experience, and a lack of consistency with the airport’s brand can negatively affect this experience.

As developers of e-commerce platforms designed to increase revenues and drive growth Rezcomm knows how important it is to achieve consistency across any third-party service that’s integral to an airport’s customer experience. Below are the key things to consider when honing your brand, and the dangers if consistency is ignored.

Branding and the customer experience

The value of a brand to a company cannot be underestimated – Coca-cola’s brand for example is worth 50% of it’s total value, or about $73bn. Although it may be far-fetched to think an airport’s brand could b…

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