ANTONOV State Company decides to use Globalsys On board Wireless Interphone systems for two types of planes: ANTONOV 132 and ANTONOV 124.

Date 28.10.2016

Globalsys is gradually making headway in Eastern Europe thanks to high-stake projects with ANTONOV, which is one of the most famous aircraft manufacturing Company in Eastern Europe.

Globalsys proposed one of the safest wireless communication systems, AIRLINK 3085, to ANTONOV Aircraft Company.

Indeed, ANTONOV has been a very prominent Aircraft manufacturer for many decades and gained a very great reputation, just to remind that ANTONOV Company is at the origin of ANTONOV AN-225, the world’s largest operational cargo aircraft.

Globalsys will contribute to “mission success” for the many operators of ANTONOV Aircraft by delivering ideally suited products.


Globalsys Ltd
12, avenue des Coquelicots
Bonneuil sur Marne
  • + 33 1 43 99 42 17