ALTEC - Docking Systems and Maintenance Platforms

Company ALTEC Aluminium Technik GmbH
Date 31.10.2013
AirTec-Airplanes/- Helicopter

Ground support equipment such as working platforms and complete docking systems for the maintenance and repair of civil airplanes and helicopters.

RailTec-Rail Vehicles

Runway facilities, ladders for tankers, roof work stands, platforms stairs, forehead platforms, bridging and other work platforms for the maintenance and repair of rail vehicles.

VehicleTec-Commercial vehicles

Working platforms, defroster facility, roof work platforms, rotating platforms, platforms stairs and mounting platforms for the maintenance and repair of commercial vehicles.

Industry Solutions

Stairways, corridors, stages, platform steps, walkways and maintenance platforms for the industry.


ALTEC Aluminium Technik GmbH
Industriegebiet Mayener Tal
  • +49 (0) 2651/42033