Aviation Fuel Management Solutions

Company FuelPlus Software GmbH
Date 14.04.2011

With airlines fuel budget hovering between 25 and 40 % of their operational budget and the airlines investing in new modern aircraft, airlines are trying to minimize this huge expense and still stay competitive.

According to aircraft manufacturers, modern aircraft are 70% more fuel efficient than 40 years ago, and 20% more fuel efficient than 10 years ago. The airlines under the IATA banner have further pledged to increase fuel efficiency by another 25% by 2020, thereby also reducing CO2 emissions.

Taking the above statistics into consideration, not a lot of room is left for improvements. Any additional savings can only be achieved by implementing NextGen engines, like the Ultra High Bypass (UHB) Jet engines but with most of the airlines suffering under financial constrains, money for re-investing in new expensive technologies are limited.

The only door left open is to optimize the operational procedures and maximize their current operational fuel efficiency. With this in mind, FuelPlus Software GmbH has developed a Business Intelligence system (BIS) which is aimed at assisting the airlines to plan, monitor and track their various fuel efficiency initiatives.

The FuelPlus BIS solution uses a state-of-the-art reporting solution to display the wealth of current data already available as part of the FuelPlus implementation as well as additional data supplied by the aircraft systems, in an user friendly reporting dashboard with drilldown capabilities, which will enable the operational analyst to accurately track the airlines Fuel efficiency and operational procedure initiatives. The module uses the IATA FEGA initiatives as basis, but include also other custom reports.

The first phase of the project were completed by 31 March 2011, with further enhancements and improves due by 31 July 2011.


FuelPlus Software GmbH
Arnswaldtstrasse 10
30159 Hannover
  • +49 511 49 605 0