Aviation Weather Systems / Communications & ATC Systems

Company MTECH Systems Pty Ltd
Date 26.03.2012

MTECH Systems has released a new hardware display for either desktop or console mounted display of key weather parameters. The 860 display is the latest in the line of 800 series displays that have been produced by MTECH Systems for over 25 years. The device has an Ethernet data input port and also the more traditional RS-232 connection for backwards compliance. The 860 display will automatically adjust to a variety of data inputs including XML output from an MTECH Systems AWOS/LLWAS/RVR System or alternatively direct data output from sensors from a wide range of suppliers including ceilometers, tranmissometers, weather multi-sensor, lighting sensors, digital wind sensors and visibility meters. Devices natively supported include the 4500-LSS, 8200-CHS, CBME-80, WXT-510/520, CL-31, LT-51, 5000-200-EMOR and 7000-300.

Angola AWOS


MTECH Systems Pty Ltd
PO Box 607
15 Kevlar Close
  • +61 3 9588 2829