Birds causing a problem at your airport? We have it sorted

Company Euro-Matic UK Ltd.
Date 27.06.2018

The Age Old Problem

Well it continues , birds and planes do not mix and not only to they pose a threat to the integrity of the aircraft, birdstrike damage can be deadly and costly all round. The 9 standards which are set in respect to bird strike prevention (IBSC standards) require airports to take reasonable measures to understand the risk and to prevent the risks.

15 years ago

Euro-Matic installed the Water Filled balls at Heathrow Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world on an area of open water that was in the flight path.


Bird Balls naturally gather together on any surface area of water to form a layer of floating deterrents to any flying friend who may of been previously attracted. By producing them in a black, they also absorb the suns harmful rays and prevent any refection or confusion to pilots, a great option all round. Its also well documented that there is an increase in bird fowl with the additional environmental protection orders on natural habitats, statistics show the populations of many birds, especially migrating species is on the increase

Good for them

One of the many questions we get asked is how often do these balls need replacing? How long do they last? We called into Heathrow, our oldest Airport Installation to see if they needed replacing ”No they are fine, no problem” So 15 years on and as we finalise our most recent Airport Installation at Kärnten, Klagenfurt, I’m not sure Euro-Matic will be replacing any existing customers balls any time soon in the years to come !


Euro-Matic UK Ltd.
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
United Kingdom
  • 0330 311 0003
  • 0750 627 7000