Continuing Trend in Smart Airport Growth Predicted

Company A-ICE
Date 09.02.2023

According to the latest data, the global smart airport market will continue to take flight, particularly in the US, which has the largest market share to date (23%). Promising to change the way people travel, the smart airport market is expected to reach USD $22.6 billion within the next three years.

This represents a significant CAGR of 10.5% and could surpass even these high expectations by 2029, according to some of the top industry players. We take a look at how smart airport technologies are evolving and driving this accelerated growth across the sector.

Technology advancements and innovation

One of the major predicted drivers of growth for the smart airport is the current pace of technological advancement and innovation across the market. The rising adoption of airport technology is driving advancement too, creating a circular approach that is expected to continue to gain traction.

As investment continues across US airports, the uptake of smart airport technology is becoming more widespread among smaller operators. This, in conjunction with the growing recognition of a more flexible economic model (pay-per-use) is bringing the future airport experience much closer on a local level for many.

Integration and scalability

The smart airport is capable of harnessing the power of both existing and emerging technologies to deliver vital scalability. This is made possible through integration that enables seamless communication via what is commonly known as a digital grid.

This helps to connect the vital components – airports, airlines, security agencies, logistics and more – giving access to data in real time. Not only does this type of integration improve and streamline operations, it also offers insights that can be valuable to overall strategic planning.

At a time when flexibility, scalability and strategy are high on the priority list for airports all over the world, it is unsurprising that smart airports are experiencing an upward trend. Following a traumatic approach, the global aviation industry is facing a clearer runway for the future thanks to technology.

Cloud-based solutions for airport management

Integration and communication using cloud-based applications can give operations wings. This can help to relieve the pressure on both physical and operational resources, offering greater opportunity for flexibility. It can also change the dynamic for small to medium-sized airport operators, delivering functionality, flexibility and scalability at a time when airports need it most.

As the market continues to grow at this considerable rate and adoption of smarter technologies becomes more commonplace, operators will have a wider range of options. At A-ICE, we take a straightforward approach to implementation. Talk to us today and let us guide you through.


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