COVID-19 Social distancing

Company GRASP Innovations
Date 09.06.2020

Social distancing in Security Checkpoints

The effect of the ongoing global pandemic results in a situation where airports are required to accommodate social distanced processes. Social distancing within a security checkpoint can be a very daunting challenge.

Our efforts have been focussed on creating a piece of the puzzle for re-opening the aviation industry. Built on 3 pillars:

  1. Appeal to Join Forces
  2. Push to Pull 
  3. Pull the Data

Click on the images below to find our more. 

Join Forces

We firmly believe that there is no golden bullet solution for the re-opening of the aviation industry and cooperation between parties (airports, legislators and suppliers) is crucial.

Push to Pull

We are convinced that changing from a Push to a Pull process can yield great advantages for maintaining sufficient social distance within Security Checkpoints.

Pull the Data

Extensive modelling has convinced us of the feasibility of this radical process change, resulting in a stable and predictable output in terms of throughput. 

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Stationsplein ZW 985 1117CE, Schiphol