Emergency Notification and Crisis Management Service

Company F-24 UK Ltd
Date 06.05.2013

FACT24 should be available whatever happens, even when you are not using it!

Alerting tools like FACT24 are vital for all organizations. In case of emergency, our clients must rely on them to activate alarms, whatever happens on their side. Because most of our clients do not use FACT24 on a daily basis, we provide them with a specific guarantee of availability, which is different from a standard SLA.

With a standard SLA, users can call their service provider to notify them of downtime. Under the SLA, the service provider should fix the problem in an agreed time slot, generally a few hours. The downtime is measured from the time when the client informs his service provider, even if unavailability occurred some days ago.

Now imagine that you are in a critical situation and have to activate an alarm. You haven’t used your alerting tool for weeks or months, and now it is vital for you. In this situation, there’s no time for downtime. F24 provides all clients with a guarantee of availability to the highest standards in our industry. We guarantee an annual minimum of 99.98% availability for all critical telephony processes. Availability is monitored automatically and permanently. Any downtime is counted, even when no client is using the service.

F24 took technical and organizational measures to demonstrate its ability to fulfill such a guarantee:

  • We established Business Continuity Plans and had them certified by a trusted third party, the British Standards Institution
  • System monitoring is continuous and adapted to detect very short downtimes
  • We measure availability rates and make this information public and updated on a monthly basis

It’s easy for users to check the FACT24 availability rate: they only need to visit our website, F24 is the first company in our industry to disclose such information to the public. But this is absolutely necessary to assure our clients that their guaranteed availability is considered at all times.

Over the last three years, availability measured for all FACT24 critical activation processes reached 100%.


F-24 UK Ltd
Cardinal Point
Park Road
United Kingdom
  • +44 (0) 1923 432 715