Date 09.07.2010

EUROCONTROL’s Institute of Air Navigation Services has been selected as one of ten Country Representatives for Luxembourg in the prestigious 2010 European Business Awards, sponsored by HSBC.

It will now compete for a coveted Ruban d’Honneur in the next round of the competition. Final category Award winners will be unveiled in Paris on 16th November.

Now in its fourth successful year, the European Business Awards has identified some of Europe’s brightest businesses based on their ability to demonstrate the three core principles at the heart of the Awards programme – innovation, business excellence and sustainability.

Alex Skoniezki, the Head of the Institute, commented:

“We are delighted at this recognition of the expertise and commitment of our staff and of the efforts we have made in continuing to provide a high standard of training even with a reduced budget. We have achieved this, in part, by making courses available to our customers at a location and in a form that suits them. ATM is starting to go through a period of very rapid change and effective training is a vital element of delivering the Single European Sky.”

The European Business Awards are dedicated to raising the visibility and progress of companies who excel in delivering innovation twinned with successful commercial results, whilst acting responsibly and positively affecting the social environment in which they operate. In 2009, the 99 Ruban d’Honneur recipients had a combined turnover greater than €570 billion and recorded an average annual profit growth of 56%.


EUROCONTROL Headquarters
Rue de la Fusee
are based in Brussels,
96 B-1130