European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

Date 16.10.2012

Transition Plan for Major Projects in Europe Winter 2012/2013

Several planned network disruptions linked to major ANSP system changes will take place in the winter of 2012 – 2013. The Network Manager has just published a Transition Plan for Major Projects in Europe winter 2012-2013 to minimise the potential impact. It was produced in close collaboration with Air Navigation Service Providers.

An unusually high number of system modernisation projects across Europe have been planned for the next winter; they run from autumn 2012 until spring 2013. They will pose a significant challenge to the smooth operation of the air traffic management (ATM) network.

For instance, several area control centres (ACCs) plan to migrate to a new ATM system, in some cases this will include relocating operational facilities to a new building. In addition, major airspace reorganisation projects as well as a series of terminal airspace and airport projects have been scheduled for implementation in the same period.

Many of the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) affected are likely to generate increased delay during the winter season.  If so, they will not be able to meet their annual delay breakdown values and this will affect the network’s overall capacity performance.

The Network Manager (NM) has a key role to play in the synchronisation, coordination and management of the network to ensure that there is enough capacity. This entails meticulous planning and synchronisation between the ANSPs and NM.

Transition planning is a joint activity undertaken by the ANSPs concerned and the Network Manager. It starts as soon as the ANSP has decided to carry out a major improvement project that will temporarily affect the performance of the ATM network.

The main principles driving the transition planning are based on recognising the users’ needs, both civil and military, so as to find the best balance between capacity and flight efficiency.

The Transition Plan for Major Projects in Europe – Winter 2012/2013 is the reference document that consolidates the assessments, developments and agreements on mitigation measures. It is a living document that forms part of the European Network Operations Plan 2012-2014.

It is developed and implemented using fully cooperative decision-making processes between the Network Manager and all stakeholders, including the airspace users.

For further information, contact Razvan Bucuroiu, Head of Operations Planning


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