How Cloud Solutions Enhance Sustainability in Airports

Company A-ICE
Date 08.11.2022

The aviation industry has kept its commitment to sustainability high on the priority list in recent years. There are opportunities to reduce environmental impact to be realized through design, improvements to infrastructure, and the introduction of more sustainable practices.

Whether in the air or on the ground, efficiencies can be achieved in this complex working environment. With significant investment on the horizon in the US and throughout the aviation community, we take a look at how cloud solutions can help to enhance sustainability on the ground.

Introducing sustainable practices

Airports are traditionally high-consumption, high-impact places, with a challenge to face in terms of increasing sustainability. However, becoming sustainable involves a wider approach in today’s environment and airports all over the world are making the commitment.

Sustainability is a term that is far-reaching. It encompasses the environmental impact of pollution and energy usage – the first things that spring to mind in aviation, but also much more. There is social sustainability, which includes reducing local noise disturbances and supporting local communities. This also involves taking care of employees and ensuring their well-being, and professional and personal development are important.

There are many ways in which airports can improve sustainability and contribute to a better future for the aviation industry. The key lies in efficiency – energy efficiency, operational efficiency, and efficiency in resource management. Today, cloud solutions can help.

How can cloud solutions contribute to a sustainable airport?

Some of the latest airport cloud technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of operations in several ways:

  • Resource management
  • Insights into energy usage
  • Automate routine processes
  • Reducing infrastructure reliance

Implementing smarter solutions and hosting in the cloud ensures seamless communication between technologies. This is where some of the most powerful applications lie and some of the greatest efficiencies and energy savings can be realized.

Traditional processing systems are resource-heavy, often requiring on-site, dedicated IT departments to monitor, maintain and manage airport operations. Introducing cloud-based systems can contribute significantly to reducing this heavy reliance.

When accessibility to master systems moves to the cloud, the need for dedicated, on-site servers can be minimized. This offers an immediate benefit in the reduction of energy consumption, heat production, and cooling requirements. This physical reduction in the required (highly valuable) space can also open new doors in terms of additional revenue streams, allowing airports to make better use of the terminal building.

It also allows unprecedented flexibility in terms of the workforce and gives wings to resource management. With an industry-wide recruitment issue currently spreading around the world, this offers operators a completely new approach.

Finding a new approach

Cloud technology is offering airport operators the opportunity to fully embrace more sustainable working practices and create a new future for the industry. As we move forward after a period of instability, it is the perfect time to embrace a ‘new normal’ and change operations for the better.

Some of the most powerful cloud technologies for airports deliver the chance to overhaul the operational perspective in several ways:

  • Gain new insights and avoid airport pressure points• Increase passenger experience
  • Automate compliance
  • Offer a real-time view of the operational landscape
  • Increase operational resource management
  • Take a fresh look at managing the budget

How can A-ICE help?

A-ICE knows the challenges faced by airports across the globe. Our experience and knowledge tell us that the key to overcoming them and building a new way forward lies in the implementation of technology.

We develop fully integrable aviation industry tools, hosted in the cloud to offer complete visibility and transparency like never before. Our tools are designed to enhance efficiency and contribute to a sustainable way forward.

Realize the benefits that automation can bring to achieve some of the greatest efficiencies and a change to manage the spiraling costs of energy. Airport-in-Cloud can help manage bottom line costs too, with a unique, pay-per-use economic model.

In all areas of industry, the focus on sustainability is high and this isn’t going away. There are many aspects to sustainability and the subject is far-reaching. The aviation sector has a reputation for negative environmental impact and now, we have the opportunity to make small changes that make a big difference.

Talk to us about how cloud technology can strengthen airport efficiency and make the shift towards a sustainable future.


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