Sky Assist on LinkedIn

Company Sky Assist
Date 01.03.2014

In February 2014, we have updated Sky Assist company page on LinkedIn. It now contains a presentation of Sky Assist and a description of each of our products and services.

On LinkedIn, we want to publish news not only on our products (since we already have our website for this purpose) but mostly news on the Air Transportation industry. It is the opportunity to exchange and discuss of the new trends, evolutions and challenges with our customers and with the other industry stakeholders. This way, we keep ourselves updated all year long of the arrival services departments’ needs for today and tomorrow. It helps us developing our applications in line with your operations.

So to not miss any of these industry news and discussions, follow us on LinkedIn and join the conversation!


Sky Assist SA
Mr. Luc Trentels
Leuvensesteenweg 510
Building 5
B-1930 Zaventem
  • +32 2 710 50 80