Dimark S.A.
Baggage Handling Systems Dedicated for Airports
Dimark S.A. specializes in designing, executing, assembling, commissioning and servicing internal automatic transport lanes for every industry sector where products are to be conveyed.
Our domain are baggage control and transport systems, dedicated for airports. We commenced our activity in 1992, while presently we offer to our Investors, the most advanced and latest technology solutions, competing successfully with the world’s largest manufacturers of control and transport systems.
Dimark S.A. has an experience in a complex execution of investments for control and handling systems, offering optimal solutions at every stage of a project execution, particularly:
- Analysis of the Client needs while elaborating a preliminary concept of the control and transport system;
- Development of a final design of the System, complying with all needs and requirements of the Client;
- Manufacture of all components of the control and transport system, in accordance with the highest quality and environmental standards;
- Assembly and commissioning of the control and transport system together with their service, in accordance with approved final designs and quality and safety norms.
Our company disposes necessary qualifications and skills in all fields, allowing a professional execution of an investment, including: designing and engineering systems, supply chain and production management, information and communication technologies, systems’ integration, project management and Customers’ service.
Company Profile
Check In Conveyors
Dimark’s check-in conveyors can be provided as a standard product or designed according to the Client requirements. All conveyors meet ergonomics, environment and functional standards ensuring user-friendly operation for both passengers and a check-in personnel.
Every check-in stand consists of a weighing and labeling part. At the end of a labeling part, there are titling devices installed so as to put checked bags in a horizontal position for further transport. There is also a photocell mounted which detects a checked bag and forwards the information to a control system. Then it is checked if a collecting conveyor is ready to receive another bag. A bag is released in the way to prevent any collisions with other bags, checked at different check-ins. Front and side parts of a conveyor, visible to passengers, are made of stainless steel.
Features of Dimark check-in conveyors:
- design flexibility
- ensure efficient check-in
- quick servicing or replacement
- easy loading of heavy baggage
- high quality stainless steel finish
- durable construction
- integrated with other airport systems
Belt Conveyors
Dimark’s conveyors are integrated with a baggage handling system and conveys bags to further security control levels. All conveyors have a bridge construction, assuring a high durability and a low level of noise. Conveyors’ body has a channel shape and may be equipped with wheels so as to facilitate their removal or movements from a conveyor lane for service and repair purposes.
Designed with an ease of maintenance, so any component can be removed and reassembled in less than 20 minutes. All conveyors are equipped with the system which protects bags against damage while being transported. Belts assure a proper adhesion preventing bags from being rolled up or sliding. They are antistatic, low noise with an impregnated work surface for a friction reduction.
Features of Dimark’s conveyors:
- durable construction
- low noise level
- low energy consumption
- high load capacity
- easy to maintenance
Curve Conveyors
Curve conveyor allows to transport baggage at an angle up to 180 degree. This conveyor is very easy to maintain with a very quick belt repair or replacement. Belts used in curve conveyors provided by Dimark come from leading manufacturers.
Features of Dimark’s curve conveyors:
- durable construction
- quick service and repair
- low noise level
- high load capacity
Roller Conveyors
Idle roller conveyors serve a function of table, on which suspicious bags are separated from safe ones.
They are equipped with zinc- plated rollers with their pitch and diameter adjusted to a system’s needs.
Horizontal Diverter
Horizontal divider allows to transfer bags from one lane to another. RA divider’s arm is equipped with a drive belt controlled by a separate drive and ensures a smooth treatment of baggage. Divider can be used to sort a single bag from a stream of bags.
Features of Dimark’s horizontal divider:
- high sort rate
- smooth bags treatment
- design flexibility
- durable construction
Vertisorter enables to split a baggage flow between conveyors where one lane is above the other. This process is fast enough to split an individual bag from a stream of bags. Vertisorter merges two conveyors lanes into one without any disrupt of a baggage flow.
Features of Dimark’s vertisorter:
- smooth operation
- high sort rate
- quiet running
- easy to maintenance
- durable construction
Baggage Carrousels
In Dimark’s offer you will find a wide range of reclaim and make-up baggage carousels. Each unit is tailored to specification and building constraints of the Client. Depending on the design and specification requirements Dimark provides both flat and inclined carousels.
Our baggage carousels assure easy assembly and maintenance due to their modular construction. A complete circuit consists of standard straight and curve sections, which allows to create any shape of carousel required.
Features of Dimark’s baggage carousels:
- versatile design
- construction assuring quiet operation
- durable structure
- easy of bag removal
- high load capacity
- reliable and resistant drive
Control Systems
Control algorithm is implemented in PLC driver which controls and monitors the whole object operations via a network of sensors and executive elements. The system consists of one or a few of control cabinets as well as a control panel with local control workstations (localization as needed). The system is equipped with automatic and control components (sensors, readers, emergency stop buttons, etc).
In an operator panel the following functionalities are implemented:
- Tracking of conveyed loads locations in real time;
- Complete tracing and monitoring of from its being checked- in till its destination (chute);
- Preventing bags collisions;
- Optimal managing of drives work;
- Visualization of current status and operation statistics of the system;
- Access to a broad range of service parameters enabling an adoption of the system operation to changing requirements of users;
- Inbuilt manuals;
- Possibility of remote tracking of the System status, its reconfiguration and service.
IT Solutions
Aviatis SAC is a computer system supporting the management of the processes associated with flow control and sorting luggage. This solution is an integral part of the BHS (Baggage Handling System).
Aviatis SAC consists of a series of modules that are responsible for different areas of the business processes connected with baggage managing. All modules are integrated and share a common database. Once entered into the system information will be available wherever you may need. At the same time the modular structure of system guarantee adaptation to current needs and rights of definite groups of users.
Full integration
SAC Aviatis system is compatible with external systems such as FIS (Flight Information System) and DCS (Departure Control System). It can also work independently of external databases. The FIS system can provide flight schedule and DCS system is a source of information about baggage and passengers.
Comprehensive baggage management
Aviatis SAC system manages baggage from Check In until the baggage is on the plane.
At Check In the baggage is assigned to a label with a unique number, and from that moment your baggage is under the control of BHS system. After passing the next steps in baggage security control is sent to the sorter. Based on the information label and BSM system, SAC directs each baggage to chute, and each chute is assigned to a specific flight. After that baggage is scanned by a hand scanner. In that moment baggage leaves BHS system and is directed to the plane. This stage of the flow of information is manage by BRS system. On board the baggage is scanned one last time to confirm that it was loaded. All this information is stored in a central database Aviatis SAC.
Passenger Security Lines
Security lanes – DimLine – provided by Dimark are dedicated for security checks of hand bags. Their main purpose is to assure the highest security standard, while their flexible and aesthetic construction enables to meet most sophisticated demands of the airports. A convenient and user- friendly interface determines the maximum passengers and operators satisfaction.
Features of DimLine:
- automatic bag trays return
- ergonomic construction
- cost efficient and reliable
- easy to operate and maintain
- low noise level