ERA Company

Supplier of multilateration, ADS-B and ATC systems for Air Traffic Management

ERA (a member of OMNIPOL group) is a leading company in multilateration, multistatic surveillance, and reconnaissance technology. Unrivalled experience in passive surveillance sensor development provides ERA with unique know-how to deliver comprehensive solutions for global markets. We develop, manufacture and implement mission-critical systems for civil and military purposes.

ERA made air traffic control history when deploying the first multilateration system and introducing gate-to-gate surveillance. Over the last 3 decades, ERA has reached a number of more than 160 installations, deployed in over 70 countries on 5 continents with 24/7 operations fulfilling demanding customer requirements. More important, however, than the given number of references is the experience we have achieved and lessons learnt during implementation of our solutions. ERA intends to continue introducing new technologies to adapt to tomorrow’s challenges.

Product Portfolio:

MSS-5 – Multilateration Surveillance System

MSS-5 is the 5th generation of the Multilateration Surveillance System (MSS) tailored for Air Traffic Management combining proven multilateration and ADS-B technologies. The system provides accurate real-time localization, tracking and identification of all objects equipped with transponder: at the airport surface, in TMA and en-route. MSS-5 answers the 5 main challenges of Air Traffic Surveillance nowadays: • traffic density • deployability • time synchronization • safety • security

SQUIDVehicle Tracking SystemThe ERA-designed vehicle tracking unit SQUID (squitter beacon SQB) provides airports with a tool to monitor and track all ground vehicles on an airport’s surface. SQUID by ERA continuously broadcasts the exact position of each vehicle by using a vehicle-mounted squitter. SQUID minimizes the risk of collisions between aircraft and service mobiles, especially during low visibility conditions. This easily installed and standard compliant unit using ADS-B squitter based on GNSS technology complements multilateration and ADS-B systems to identify any non-transponder equipped targets.
ERIS-A – Airport ground control system

ERIS-A belongs to a family of advanced airport surveillance data processing and display systems designed for air traffic control and flight planning operations in TMA and airport, and developed in compliance with ICAO, EUROCONTROL and EUROCAE standards. ERIS-A, generating surveillance and aeronautical data, is also designed to support air traffic control within the Remote Tower concept.

ERIS-ATM – Air Traffic Management and Control systemERIS-ATM (ERA Information System – Air Traffic Management) is an information system for radar and procedural air traffic management and control on all types of ATC centres. ERIS-ATM brings all necessary information together on collaborative displays depending on their role as well as standards. Its integrated situational picture is based on modern multi-sensor data fusion and tracker, supplemented by electronic flight strips, monitoring aids, safety nets and other supportive features.
ERIS-DART – Surveillance data analysis and evaluation

ERIS-DART is a validation tool used for data analysis and evaluation of surveillance system performance against conformity of EUROCAE specification. This information system can be used for continuous sensor performance validation, real coverage analysis or single track analysis based on the data archives. It provides an interactive and advanced multi-level surveillance data analysis, i. e. from packets to decoded ASTERIX message inspector, to trajectories. The data are continuously recorded and archived.

ERIS-COMMS – Surveillance data distribution system

ERIS-COMMS is an information system designed for SW data routing and advanced data dissemination to transfer data between surveillance sensors, communication nodes, FIRs within the data communication networks. The data transferred by ERIS-COMMS may be filtered based on parameters or geographic areas, subjected to selective information suppression, converted to another data format, or recorded for later analysis.

LAPDIS – Local Area Picture Display

LAPDIS (Local Area Picture Display) application is designed for the presentation of target data provided by surveillance sensors on a map background. LAPDIS is typically used by the maintenance engineer of the Multilateration Surveillance System for the checking of its performance. Application automatically highlights priority targets based on predefined filters to increase operator´s awareness.

MIPS – Mission Planning System and pre-deployment

MIPS (Mission Planning System) represents a comprehensive performance simulation tool for surveillance. It is used for various types of analyses: line of sight (LOS), true radio line of sight, Over the Horizon (OTH) coverage and accuracy simulations.

IXO – Flight planning and drone management

IXO SYSTEM represents a comprehensive solution for airspace users and providers who are looking for a product, that seamlessly integrates information on manned and unmanned aerial vehicle operations and provides real-time aeronautical information for all airspace users. IXO incorporates modules required for flight planning, airspace conflict calculations, U-Space rules, and principles, manned/unmanned aerial vehicle management, and aeronautical data provision.

3R – Record&Replay&InvestigatoR

Record&Replay&InvestigatoR is an open and modular solution based on common HW and designed for filing, long-term storage and replay of audio, video & data recordings. Technical and Investigation Client (TIC) of 3R serves for analysis, monitoring and controlling of Recorders and Central Storage devices suitable for different users, e.g. ANSP´s Safety Department.

Training and consultancy ERA has gathered complex and specific know-how in the ATM sector over the long period and offers its expertise through the consultation service. Any skill or knowledge needs to be obtained, maintained and from time to time refreshed, therefore ERA provides its customers with tailor-made trainings.
ERA Academy e-learning ERA Academy – Learning Management System by ERA allows for an efficient way of providing training materials and exercises to the partners who have incorporated ERA systems. The e-learning courses are an easy-to-use tool to educate technical personnel from the start or refresh their knowledge.
MasterCare – Programme of assurance services for warranty and after-warranty period MasterCare Programme is a complete portfolio of services and comprehensive range of assurance offerings: repair management, preventive maintenance, spare stock management, tailored training program, on-site inspections, and obsolescence. MasterCare Programme maintains high technical level throughout system life cycle.

Company News

ERA vehicle tracking system “has conquered” yet another continent. Ever growing number of SQUIDS are in use at Brisbane airport, Australia

ERA delivered its first VTS SQUIDs based on ADS-B (Automatic dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) technology to Brisbane Airport in 2014 and thanks to its performance the number of units continues to grow. Recently the airport has ordered …

ERA celebrates its 30th birthday – 30 years since the company´s foundation

It all started with The Three Musketeers. Three enterprising engineers who could not bear the thought that the original and unique technology of passive radar would cease to be developed in the Czech lands. Their …

ERA´s system WAM West in Poland has gone operational

ERA company (a member of OMNIPOL group) celebrated the closure of its latest project in Poland, called WAM West. ERA, cooperating in the consortium with the ATC Branch of the local company GISS, delivered a …

R-SYS Strengthens Partnership with LVNL by Securing FDS System Tender

R-SYS (a subsidiary of ERA) has signed a long-term contract for provision of services related to of pre-flight preparation, aeronautical information distribution and flight data management services by the beginning of the September with the …

ERA has been showcasing its BEST OF in the field of land based passive surveillance systems within EW Live in Tartu, Estonia

ERA introduces the very first LIVE on-site DEMO of its brand-new system PLESS abroad The Czech company ERA has participated in the Electronic Warfare exercise EW Live 2024, held at Tartu Airport in Estonia, with its …

ERA is at the gates of the 69th country! It has signed a new contract to install twin WAM systems in Albania

ERA has announced that it had been awarded a contract to deliver two wide -area surveillance systems monitoring air traffic over the Republic of Albania. ERA is proud to add Albania as the 69th country …

HungaroControl launched the VFR mobile application developed by R-SYS

Hungarocontrol, the Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP) in Hungary, uses the NetBriefing web service for flight plan management, pre-flight briefing, and communication with pilots. Developed by R-SYS, a subsidiary of ERA, this innovative system acts …

ERA has signed a new contract with ROMATSA for the extension of its WAM system to cover the Brasov Airport Area

ERA Company was awarded a contract for the extension of its Wide Area Multilateration system called WAM East in Romania. The goal of the planned system extension is to provide surveillance coverage of the Brașov-Ghimbav …

ERA will cooperate with Diehl Defence on passive surveillance systems and multi-sensor tracking capabilities for GBAD

ERA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the German company Diehl Defence on cooperation in the field of passive surveillance systems and multi-sensor tracking capabilities for Diehl’s ground-based air defence systems (GBAD) as …

R-SYS enables ANSPs to handle flight plans easier, safer and more efficient by using CFSP API

LVNL (Dutch ANSP) has made it possible for commercial flight plan providers to submit VFR flight plans more easily and safely by using R-SYS developed CFSP API. This allows LVNL to process flight plans more …

ERA will supply VERA-NG system to the Armed Forces of Moldova under the EU initiative European Peace Facility

The Czech company ERA and the Estonian Centre for Defence Investments (ECDI) have facilitated a crucial project under the European Peace Facility (EPF) initiative for the Moldavian Ministry of Defence. The supply of one of …

ERA signs contract with DFS to install WAM system for CTR Hamburg in Germany

The vendor ERA has been awarded a contract to install its Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) system in the control zone Hamburg (CTR Hamburg). The contract was signed by ERA and DFS, the German air navigation service …

NOTAM Portal by R-SYS helps LVNL to streamline NOTAM creation

Managing NOTAM requests from various airports and originators can be challenging, often resulting in difficulties tracking proposals and ensuring their accuracy before publication. To address this, R-SYS (ERA´s subsidiary) has developed the NOTAM Portal system, …

First reference to the MSS-5 system by ERA: A network of next-gen ADS-B stations has been installed and tested for DFS in Germany

ERA announced that its team had successfully installed the first round of ground stations of its MSS-5 system as part of the comprehensive project of ADS-B coverage of the German airspace. The customer, Deutsche Flugsicherung …


ERA Company
Prumyslova 462
530 03 Pardubice
Czech Republic
  • +420 467 004 100
