Boryspil International Airport uses Cloud Application Technology to manage production processes

Company Boryspil International Airport
Date 02.08.2023

Boryspil International Airport has introduced cloud application for managing business processes to ensure the security of its IT infrastructure, access to operational resources, as well as the saving and protecting of its own data.

Boryspil Airport News

The migration of the IT infrastructure of the airport to the cloud was preseed by a thorough multi-level preparation with leading IT specialists and the service provider company involvement. This migration was implemented in several phases and users did not notice it. By now all existing corporate e-mail mailboxes have been migrated to the cloud, terabytes of disk space are available for joint work with documents, an unlimited number of online meetings can be conducted every day.

“Over the past few years, IT resources have become an crucial but vulnerable part of any operational process, their security is a vital priority. The number of cyber attacks is constantly increasing, and in order to protect the airport, in addition to other cyber protection measures, we use cloud-application solutions to manage processes under the highest standards of confidentiality and transparency, taking into account all the challenges of wartime,” said Ruslan Artemov, the IT director of Boryspil International Airport.

In general, the taken measures enable managing access rights and backup information as well as such data recovery. In the corporate personal cloud storage, one can share information without sending files, work together in synchronous processing of various types of files, and store data on the created backup infrastructure with a platform for peak loads. In the event of a critical situation or a failure of the local data center, the workflow will not be terminated, which allows us to maintain uninterrupted operational activities of an important enterprise.




Boryspil International Airport
Kyiv Oblast
  • +380 44 393 4371