Airport Drivers Navigation and Alert System (ADNAS)


AIRPORT DRIVER NAVIGATION and ALERT SYSTEM is designed to improve safety, efficiency, and convenience for airport drivers.

Equipped with an in-car tablet and a small transponder, airport vehicles are aware of real-time surrounding traffic that is presented on the moving airport map and a real-time view of the airport layout. The System alerts drivers to any potential hazard or obstacle in their path. A runway occupancy monitor helps prevent runway incursions and improve overall safety at airports.

“Airport Drivers Navigation and Alert System” includes such features as:

Real-time traffic updates: The system provides real-time information on traffic flow by tracking the movement of vehicles, aircraft, and personnel in all weather conditions including low visibility, such as fog, rain, or snow.

Automatic alerting: The system can automatically alert users if it detects any potential safety hazards or security breaches.

Runway incursion prevention: The system can monitor the movement of vehicles and aircraft on the runway to prevent runway incursions and other safety hazards.

Traffic flow management: The system helps users to manage traffic flow, including directing vehicles to the appropriate locations and any unauthorized or unexpected activity.

AIRPORT DRIVER NAVIGATION and ALERT SYSTEM consists of the following main constituents:

  • Surveillance sensors (ADS-B ground stations)
    The surveillance sensor used in the System is a dual-band (978MHz and 1090MHz) ADS-B receiver enclosed in an IP67-rated protective enclosure.
  • Vehicle/individual ADS-B transponders
    Vehicle ADS-B Transponder is an ICAO Annex 10/RTCA DO-260B compliant Mode-S ES transponder designed specifically for installation and use on vehicles operating inside an airfield and the aircraft movement area.
  • Data Fusion Servers
    A Data Fusion Server is software that integrates data from multiple surveillance sources into a unified, coherent data set, and hardware one or two servers working in redundant mode.
  • Operator working positions with Traffic Situation Displays
    Operator working positions is a web application that runs on a COTS workstation and is intended to provide a main operational environment for the user (operator) of the system.
  • Mobile Traffic Situation Displays
    Mobile Traffic Situation Display is a portable devices (tablets, smartphones) that is intended to provide situational awareness and notification functions directly to airside personnel (vehicle drivers, individuals).
  • Control and Monitoring System
    Control and Monitoring System (CMS) is a tool for technical staff to ensure continuous operational monitoring of the System.
  • Network equipment

Basic configuration average airport is composed of:

  • 2 ADS-B ground stations
  • 10 vehicle/individual ADS-B transponders
  • 2 in-house servers or cloud hosting
  • 1 Operator working position with Traffic Situation Display and Control and Monitoring System
  • 5 Mobile Traffic Situation Displays