S4GA - Customer Testimonials

Company S4GA
Date 06.09.2016

S4GA designs, manufactures and distributes Solar and Portable Airfield Lighting all over the World. Our customers choose to operate in remote areas like the African Desert, Caribbean Islands or Jungles of Brazil where electricity is unreliable or unavailable. We supply them with reliable off-grid lighting for runways helipads and obstruction marking.

S4GA offers two lines of autonomous lighting:

  • Solar lighting for runways and helipads is designed as an alternative for traditional cable lighting and widely used for permanent applications
  • Portable lighting is used for temporary night operations

Our portfolio includes an entire range of aviation applications such as runway, helipad and obstruction lighting utilized by both civil and military customers in Europe, Africa and Asia.

At Solutions4GA we are always working towards long-term relationships with our customers. We are happy to be able to share their point of view on our products, click the links below to find out more:

Denmark-based helicopter fleet operator

Polish Medical Air Rescue

Polish Military Unit

Manager Versatile Air Services

Head of Aviation Training Centre ATO

Danish Transport Authority

President of the Civil Aviation Authority Poland


EPBC Airfield
Sylwestra Kaliskiego 57
  • +48 22 270 10 29