DTS sine wave output CCR: 2,5 – 30kVA, IGBT technology, microprocessor controlled, natural air cooling.
The innovative design principle adopted for the CCR2100S family is based on transferring most of the power control tasks from the hardware circuits into the software processing of algorithms.
An IGBT H-bridge transfers the input signal into a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output sine wave. The switching timing is controlled directly by a very fast DSP (Digital Signal Processor) loaded with our software.
An A/D converter at the secondary side of the output transformer measures the output signal. The high speed of the DPS allows for real time control and decreases the regulation dynamics to one tenth compared with traditional thyristor type CCR’s.
The same microprocessor also detects the lamp and earth faults and manages any other useful status information for local or remote control and monitoring. This is achieved via a multi-wire or serial bus via a single CAN-bus connection.
Power filters protect the supply against harmonic pollution on the mains supply.
ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual Part 5, para to
IEC 61822
FAA: AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition)
Block Diagram of CCR
Components Layout in CCR