MC Solutions Srl

Airfield Ground Lighting Monitoring and Control

MC Solutions Srl have grown on the footprint of an inventor Umberto Cazzani who strongly believed in his ideas in the ‘80s, and is now a reality of excellence in AGL Airfield Ground Lighting monitoring and control:  runway lights management, automatic surface guidance control SMGCS and runway incursion prevention on Optical Fiber technology. Revolutionary ideas in separating cable, sending data on Optical Fiber granting safety, speed and efficiency. A wide product range has been developed: monitoring devices, measurement instruments to check AGL and ALCMS performance & compliance to FAA/EASA/ICAO regulations, pc based ALCMS.

Company Profile

  • AGL monitoring and control on optical fiber

    MC Solutions offers a complete product range both hardware and software to monitor and remote control the Airfield ground lighting as well as the secondary services on optical fiber technology. MIA SYSTEM is the complete modular system that includes the software and remote control of field devices: MCLO modules, CDU Crossing Detection Units to prevent runway incursion and manage the SMGCS – lead-on lights- GPI General Purpose Interface and UNI-CONV Universal Converter.

    The MIA System is modular: we can integrate and interface any existing monitoring structure, any kind of CCR Unit and we can communicate with any kind of protocol LonWorks, RS485, RS232, J-BUS.

    The expertise in data conversion and transmission has been developed in several custom-made solutions in different kind of high tech and industrial application.

  • Optical fiber mastery

    The mastery in the use of optical fiber has been applied to many different sectors, one of them is the distribution of data and professional high-quality video systems for conference virtual rooms and international events such as Formula 1 racing.

  • Simulation Program

    The ALCMS Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System MIA has been developed following and going far beyond the international regulations: FAA L890; EASA; ICAO 9157 Part 5.

    Has been then developed a simulation program that runs on the real custom-made software, on the customer’s airfield, to simulate the real alarms and the different situations that may occur: alarm to emergency services, CCR malfunctioning alarms, runway incursion alarm, runway approaching change, taxiway viability changes just to give some examples.

    This simulation program is used as a test for customer requirements, as a preliminary test before up load and then as a training tool to tower and maintenance operators.

  • Measurement Instruments and compliance in timing

    The use of High-Tech structures has suggested the development of professional instruments to check the performance and demonstrate the reliability of the optical fiber structure and MIA ALCMS functionality.

    The LTC Lamp Time Control instrument can check any kind of AGL response time due to a lamp failure, issues and prints an official report to verify the compliance of the airport lighting plant.

    It is as well available KIT-FO which is another instrument to test the optical fiber quality, the correct installation and then the optimal huge amount of data that can transmit on the contrary of powerline communication.


MCLO – Monitor Control Lamp Optical

1 sec lamp feedback from stop bar – 2 seconds feedback from other AGL services OPTICAL FIBER MONITORING MODULE – worldwide patent pending fast - reliable - free from interferences - huge data amount - lamp feedback FAULT …

CDU – Crossing Detection Unit

Detects aircrafts entering and exiting RUNWAY Calculates time for passing through the junction distance and direction Alarms TWR in case of “RUNWAY INCURSION“ Detects burnt lamp on STOP-BAR and LEAD ON lighting signals Switches on and off STOP-BAR and …

MIA SYSTEM – ALCMS Airfield Control and Monitoring Software

Tailored software – designed on customer’s need from international CATIII airport to small airports, FAA airport classification from type A toD. FAA L-890 compliant – EASA compliant. 1 sec lamp feedback from stop bar – 2 seconds feedback …

LTC – Lamp Time Control

LTC measures the response time with which the system, both hardware and software of any manufacturer or type, communicates to the operators the “burnt” lamp failure. LTC MASTER station is equipped with a device that during …

GPI – General Purpose Interface

GPI manages the analog/digital input and output to control devices in the industrial and civil branch. 16 insulated digital inputs 16 outputs insulated by c-mos relay 4 analog inputs Double power supply Communication Bus RS485

UNI-CONV – Universal Converter

UNI-CONV has the purpose to collect data from any kind of device and make these data available in the plant management systems, converting the different data communication protocol. In airport branch the UNI-CONV interface is …

Company News

ArS Autonomous runway Safeguard | the blossoming of an Innovation

This is the story of a project's blossoming. The blossoming of an innovation conceived to mitigate runway incursion and spread safety across the globe. ArS prevents runway incursion automatically warning the crew with red lights activation when …

INNOVATION LAB - Valbrembo airport welcomes MC Solutions.

ArS Autonomous runway Safeguard presented on the 14th June 2024 Aeroclub Volovelistico Alpino AVA, five minutes from Milan Bergamo Airport BGY, has enthusiastically welcomed the proposal of MC Solutions, a company expert in remote control and …

Another exceptional case history in the MC Solutions airport list!

Curved Approach Synchronization (the only one in Europe), ALCMS lighting remote control system PC based, radio link connection for extremely remote approach lighting sites spread on the surrounding hills, far outside the aerodrome. This is the …

MC Solutions presents Autonomous runway Safeguard

New product | Revolutionary innovation | RWY Safety enhancement On the stimulus of the International Aviation organizations committed in defining guidelines for autonomous runway incursion warning systems both EASA and FAA, MC Solutions presents today the innovative: A …

1st Italian | 1st European of 5 world competitors

MC Solutions has succeeded in achieving certification for FAA L-890 and procurement standards of their superior airfield light control and monitoring (ALCMS) with Runway Incursion mitigation systems customized and scaled to airport’s operations. 29th March 2023: …


MC Solutions Srl
Via Val d’Ossola 12/14
20871 Vimercate – MB
  • +39 039 66 69 93 - Office
  • +39 349 569 94 69 - Mobile Export Dept.
