National COE establishes new requirements for air travel

Quito, December 28, 2020. – The National Emergency Operations Committee (COE) updated the specific provisions regarding the transport of passengers by air, among other issues. The following is the requirements and protocols that govern passenger air transport
International arrival passengers
- All passengers arriving in Ecuador from abroad must present a negative PCR test result. The test must have been carried out within ten days prior to boarding for the trip to Ecuador. Mandatory isolation will not be required for those with a negative PCR test result.
- Additionally, the National COE ordered that a rapid antigen test will be carried out randomly on passengers on international arrival flights, which will be taken at the international airports of entry. This test will be in charge of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).
- In the exceptional case that a passenger does not comply with the provisions of boarding with a negative PCR test, the rapid antigen test will be applied. If the rapid antigen test is positive, the passenger will enter mandatory isolation for ten (10) days from the date the sample is taken. Ecuadorian residents will do so at the address they declare upon entry. Passengers who do not reside in Ecuador and do not have an address to declare will be isolated in any of the accommodations regulated by the Ministries of Tourism and Government. Accommodation, food and transportation costs will be covered by each passenger.
- In the case of having a negative result of the rapid antigen test, passengers must perform the mandatory isolation for five (5) days, as long as they do not present symptoms.
- Passengers under fourteen years of age and aircraft crew are exempt from taking the antigen test.
- In the event that a passenger upon arrival in Ecuador presents symptoms related to COVID-19 (high temperature, cough, general malaise, loss of smell, loss of taste, etc.), regardless of the result of the PCR test and of the rapid antigen test, will be evaluated by the health personnel of the MSP at the arrival airport and will be transferred to the nearest medical center to complete the clinical evaluation.
- Passengers must fill out and sign, prior to disembarking, the Passenger’s Health Declaration, which will be delivered to the MSP health personnel in the room established for this purpose at the arrival airport.
- Every passenger upon arrival at airports in Ecuador will go through a thermal sensor that will allow identifying temperatures above 37.5°C.
The COE provision reminds that every person who enters Ecuador must comply with the biosecurity measures established by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), such as:
- Mandatory use of a mask.
- Frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcohol gel of at least 70%.
- Maintain a physical distance of 2 meters.
- Continuous disinfection of surfaces.
Passengers on international departure
To leave the country, the Government of Ecuador does not request any type of requirement or test for COVID-19, however, the passenger must inquire about entry requirements for the country of destination. The information is available with the respective airline or in foreign diplomatic delegations in Ecuador.
Passengers on domestic flights
There is no requirement to travel on domestic flights, with the exception of tourist travel to the Galapagos Islands. To travel to the islands, the passenger must present the negative PCR test taken within 96 hours prior to entering the islands, accompanied by a safe-conduct issued by the tour operator or hotel in Galapagos.
Sanitary security at the airport
In order to avoid crowds, there is a limit to the capacity of the various areas of the airport: public halls, boarding lounges, shops and restaurants. Family members or companions are asked to avoid going to the airport as much as possible.
To guarantee the health safety of travelers, Corporación Quiport has installed:
- Thermal cameras to measure body temperature.
- Footbaths (for disinfecting footwear and luggage wheels).
- Protective screens to avoid direct contact between airport personnel and passengers.
- Safety bands for restricted seats.
- 500 hand sanitizer dispensers.
- Floor signage to facilitate the reference of the required social distance.
The National Government has also decreed a curfew as of this Monday, December 21 between 22:00 and 04:00, for a period of 15 days. For the transfer to and from the airport, a copy of the passenger’s travel documents must be presented.
Corporación Quiport and the Municipality of Quito permanently coordinate with the state entities responsible for the control and compliance with these new requirements, the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, in order to guarantee that they can develop their work in suitable conditions.